Capital raising
Key considerations for capital raising
When a company is in the need of capital raising a lot of questions and considerations become important to pay attention to. For instance, you need to know:
- How much capital is needed?
- How much capital can be raised?
- How much of the shares does the owner intend to offer the investors/buyers?
- Who are the ideal investors, and how do you approach them?
By taking all these questions into account, the process of finding the most optimal conditions for raising capital becomes more manageable.
The importance of a thorough analysis and valuation
A thorough analysis is essential for a true understanding of the company and its overall business strategy and furthermore it is the keystone of the company valuation. At Consilio Partners we help our customers carry out an extensive analysis of the entire company; the management, the employees, the products/services, the financial situation, the partners, the suppliers, the customers, the market, and the competitive environment, etc.
Not two companies are the same and no one knows a company better than the owner. However, the owner might not focus on the same aspects of the company as an ‘outsider’ and thus neglect risk factors that are important to the investor. At Consilio Partners we have gained an extensive knowledge and awareness of these factors over the time and are capable of conducting a thorough analysis that takes into consideration all the factors important to both parties (sell-side and buy-side). We know the overall circumstances that increase and decrease the company’s value. Therefore, we consider company analyses and valuations to be both realistic and relevant for the buyer as well as the seller.
Company presentation and synergies
After completing an extensive analysis of the company it is time to compose the ideal company presentation to the potential investors. Here, it is crucial to create a true impression of the company as a whole and include supporting explanations of potential negative aspects. At Consilio Partners we ensure that the presentation shows the company from its absolute best side while still remaining truthful and realistic. Furthermore, we help customise the presentation to the individual buyers/investors to highlight the specific synergies that arise in a possible match between the company and the respective stakeholder’s company.
In relation to synergies, it is worth considering that buyers/investors with a strong market knowledge and understanding of your business will most likely create more value for the company because they can better exploit and realise the company’s potential. Furthermore, the value and thus the price of the company and shares in it will typically increase when the buy-side experience high potential for synergies.
Need help with capital raising?
When new capital is needed, good advice and thorough analysis is important to arrive at the right valuation and presentation of the company to the potential buyers or investors. We provide assistance in the entire process from company analysis and valuation, through company presentation to the negotiation of the deal. Our role is to ensure the optimal price and deal conditions that consider both sell-side and buy-side and thus ensure the most optimal capital raising.